Dec '17

Words Have Power
Dec '17

Hello and Good Morning TWCC Friends and Family,
Have you ever thought about the powerful truth that your WORDS matter big time?! Words are the most powerful thing in the universe. Words that we spoke yesterday effect what life is today. Our life is constructed by our words. Listen to these powerful points to stir you up about WORDS. The bottom line is that Words are powerful! Listen to what the Word of God says…
“The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences.”
–Proverbs 18:21
The words we speak have power. They can bring life or death. They can build up or tear down. They can empower or destroy. Whether they are the words we speak to one another or the ones we think about ourselves, words make a difference. Right now, let’s look at three ways the words we speak impact our lives.
1. The words we speak are our profession.
“Wherefore, holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling, consider the Apostle and High Priest of our profession, Christ Jesus; who was faithful to him that appointed him, as also Moses was faithful in all his house.” –Hebrews 3:1-2, KJV
This passage refers to Jesus as the “Apostle and High Priest of our profession.” The word profession can also be translated confession. In the Greek, it means to “say the same thing.” We are responsible to say the same thing that Jesus says. Then He, as our Apostle and High Priest, is responsible to bring it to pass. When we speak words of life that line up with God’s Word, we are trusting Jesus to bring them to pass, and that’s exactly what He will do!
2. The words we speak are our protection.
“Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty. This I declare about the Lord: He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; he is my God, and I trust him.” –Psalm 91:1-2
We serve an awe-inspiring God who is above everything. He’s above every calamity, every illness, every stronghold and every attack of the enemy. And just as Psalm 91 shows us, we’re to proclaim His protection and goodness. We’re to exalt Him, not our adversities. When the enemy strikes, we have a choice: We can either declare the truth that God is on our side and we will never lose, or we can continue to believe the lie that we’re going under. And whatever we set our mind to is what we will receive. If you want God’s goodness, healing, peace, joy and healthy relationships, then begin to proclaiming those things. Remember, you “will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty”!
3. The words we speak are our privilege!
“And I tell you this, you must give an account on judgment day for every idle word you speak. The words you say will either acquit you or condemn you.” –Matthew 12:36-37
Friends, there are no inconsequential WORDS. When we speak words of doubt and unbelief, we are sinning against God. That sounds extreme, doesn’t it? But if we speak words that are contrary to God’s Word or if we speak words that proclaim that God is something He isn’t, then it is sin. God’s Word tells us that we are joint heirs with Jesus (Romans 8:17), overcomers (1 John 5:4), healed (Isaiah 53:5), joyful (Psalm 28:7) and prosperous (Philippians 4:19). It is our privilege to not only walk in this truth but to announce it for others to hear. Giving glory to God for all that we have is a powerful part of living thankful lives. We are acknowledging that it isn’t through our human strength but by the power of Jesus that we walk in freedom. It is also a declaration that what we say is the truth, and that truth affects change!
The words you speak are important. They hold life within them. Because words are containers – they hold things. They are containers of life or death. If this is an area of weakness for you, then challenge yourself. Commit to changing your life by changing the words you speak. First, ask the Holy Spirit to strengthen, convict and comfort you when you speak words that are contrary to God. Then begin meditating on His Word and declaring their truth over your life. Let God’s Word change you from the inside out. When you do, you will—without a doubt—walk in all God has for you!
Pray This and Say This Out Loud: Father, in the Name of Jesus. I thank You that I am a new creation in Christ Jesus, and because I am a new creation, I will speak of excellent things, and the opening of my lips shall be right things. Help me Dear Father, use my mouth to speak truth and righteousness. Help me to have a wholesome tongue that is a tree of life that brings blessings and benefits to others and brings honor and praise to You. Help me to keep my tongue with a bridle and not let any corrupt communication comes from my mouth. I decide that I will not speak evil of any person. I choose to speak words of life, words of love, words of health and healing, and words that release the life of God. Thank You Father, for giving me the right words to speak, in the right way and at the right time. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Let’s begin using our words intentionally and on purpose to release faith, life and love to the world around us to expand God’s Kingdom and bring Him great glory. We encourage you to go online or our TWCC Connections App to access some powerful faith confessions to “tame and train your tongue” to speak good, faith-filled WORDS everyday. Set the course of your life (ship) with your tongue yielded to God and His Word. Fill your mouth and heart with His Word and watch things change for the better in your life.