Tighten up those laces!
We live in a culture where if it doesn’t happen instantly, we move on to the next thing. Or we get distracted by something that is shiny, has more wow-factor and will make a better Instagram post. Let’s acknowledge that’s reality — but then be aware of that when it comes to our spiritual growth.
Here’s the deal…it may not feel like the most exciting thing when you first make that commitment to have prayer time with God every day and to read your Bible daily. But listen, if you will show up to that time with the Lord being ALL IN — no distractions, fully focused and pressing in to hear from Him…you will not be disappointed. Sometimes, doing what God says is best for us starts first with simply developing the discipline…and then comes the excitement as you see it impact your life!
Let’s think of it this way…how many of you have ever started out to train for a running race? You know to finish that race you have to practice. You have to increase your mileage, strengthen your body and build your endurance. But man oh man, that first run — or more like an I-hope-nobody-is-watching jog — is anything but graceful! You’re tired, sore, out of breath and feel like your legs don’t even know what they’re doing. You may feel like that the first handful, or even first dozen, of your practice runs. But you can’t stop there! You know it’s going to get better. You’re going to see your body respond to the discipline, and hey — you might even start to enjoy running. And before you know it, it’s race day and you finish strong!
So, my encouragement to you today is to not give up! Keep showing up ALL IN to your prayer and Bible reading time — keep making that a priority in your daily life. God WILL speak to you! It’s not about getting goosebumps every time or weeping or “feeling” changed — although you may have all of that sometimes. But it’s not our feelings that prove He’s at work in our lives — you’ll start to see the evidence in your life because your faith is growing, you’re receiving His wisdom to make decisions and He’s showing you things to come. That life change and personal relationship with the Lord is what makes it exciting — so strap on your running shoes and keep on going!
Pray and Say This Out Loud: “Father, Your Word shows me that my prayer time with You and reading my Bible — Your living Word — needs to be a priority in my life, so that I can hear from You, I can gain wisdom and direction from You, and I can grow stronger and stronger in my personal relationship with You. Help me, Lord, to remember how vitally important this is, so that even on the days when there aren’t goosebumps or tears, I still know my time spent with You has deposited living and active Truth into my life — and that enables me to live the satisfying, faith-filled life that You have for me! I love you, Lord, and I look forward to our daily time together. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”