Have You Heard?

Romans 10:17 is a very insightful and informative verse of Scripture outlining how to get “faith” when you need it. It instructs us on “how faith comes”. Let’s listen to it…
Romans 10:17 (NKJV) – “So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” Read more…


God’s Word is Light in Your Faith Adventure!

Did you know God’s Word is LIGHT? It is a lamp for your feet and a light to your pathway of your life’s FAITH ADVENTURE. His Word is life and light of men and women (John 1:1 – 4). God’s Word is filled with LIGHT (Divine Illumination; Insights; Inspiring Ideas; Godly Innovations and Revelations).


What To Do When Life’s Not Smooth

Let’s look at a familiar story today but with a fresh new perspective. I believe what you’ll learn from looking at it with a new lens will encourage you and strengthen you to keep on keepin’ on! Read more…


What is the Price of a Soul?

“For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?” Matthew

16:26, KJV

What price is a soul worth? These days, people spend so much of their time, energy, mind, strength and life seeking material things. Seeking to outdo their neighbors. Seeking to impress people they don’t even care about. Seeking to gain the world. For what purpose? And at what cost? Read more…