5 Faces of Grace

May your February be fruitful and flourishing in your life by the abundant manifestation God’s amazing and marvelous GRACE. May each of you receive grace upon grace, favor upon favor and blessings upon blessings to the glory of God. Read more…


Protections and Provisions

YOU are here on earth on a mission! Earth isn’t even your real home…isn’t that incredible and also like…whoa?! But, seeing everything through that “lens” brings so much richness to everyday life! I mean, have you ever paused to really consider the fact that you have dual citizenship as a Christian? Read more…


Goodbye Rollercoaster

School is back in swing across our city and in our communities. There are lots of good academic, career and subject essential things our children, students, teens and even those adults going to school will learn. We are believing for all students of all ages experience a successful and productive School year to the glory of God! This morning I would like to suggest to each of you that there is something we all should “grow in”, “learn and receive” and “practice consistently”…that is the DAILY RENEWING YOUR MIND WITH THE WORD OF GOD. Read more…


Have You Heard?

Romans 10:17 is a very insightful and informative verse of Scripture outlining how to get “faith” when you need it. It instructs us on “how faith comes”. Let’s listen to it…
Romans 10:17 (NKJV) – “So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” Read more…